On participation in the draughts competition in Esil town of Akmolinsk region Marinovskaya secondary school November 2017. In the town ofEsil of Akmolinsk region passes the
draughts competition . Among the participants were our schoolchildren : MatsenkoAnastasya is the pupil of 6 grade , KulmaganbetovRuslan is the pupil of 7 grade.
The atmosphere was on the competively charged , having played with Nastya and Ruslan brought the team a certain number of competitions tried to ensure. That the food was all good: the food was hot and tasty, but it happened that the child was away from home.In hostels where our guys lived there was a dissolution , it was warm and comfortable as at home. Our schoolchildren in draughts team Atbasar district got 9 place from 19. The result is good, but on it we are going.
A great deal for our organizers for the proper conduct of competitions.